Labels:bench | crt screen | dialog box | fence | fountain | monitor | plant | road | sky | stairs | web site | window OCR: A list box 1S then populated with found Internet Shortcuts and or Bookmarks To add voice commands highlight one or more items then click on 'Next Web Talklt Training Fpund URLS Th following list displays Internet Shortcuts and or Bookmarks that were found on your systerin To create voice commands from these Internet Shortcut Bookmarks please highlight one or more items then click 'Next Amtrak= http: //wwww .com/ AOL NetFind http:7 retfind. Apartments by http: //home nelscape com, /bookmark. 40/rentn Bank of America http: /www. bofa .CC m/ of the Web /www.microso com/isapi/redir. .dIl?prd=ie&clcid=0 BigBook http: "home net scape com /Bookmark /40/bigbook htm Bigfoot htto: MMM// bigfoot. .com BONZI Voice Email = htt p://www.bonzi. .com/netscape/voicenet. Borland News Groups httpsy ...